3 min readOct 6, 2023

Driving Development in Web 3.0 with HDAO

In the past, Web 2.0 has helped to trigger a revolution with the development of information technology (IT), making digital services ubiquitous and widespread. Web 2.0 was primarily driven by the explosive growth in data and achieved extraordinary success in a short period of time. However, the misuse of data soon became an important issue that Web 3.0 urgently needs to address. Web 2.0 has deprived people of their freedom, while Web 3.0 exists to return a democratic and fair society to the world.

Reputable philosophers Tristan Harris and Daniel Schmactenberger have argued that the problem with technology is the imbalance between control and power. The tools we currently use on the Web have given us more power than we can control, and everyone has given up their rights to the lure of convenience. Social media giants Facebook and Snapchat are collecting our data on a massive scale, and using it at the expense of the people. The future of technology is supposed to benefit people, not hurt them, and we believe this is the future that we should work towards.

When we analyze the perspective of traditional enterprises and Web 2.0 technology companies, we can see that an enterprise is like a well-oiled machine, while employees are like expendable parts. The optimization of the organization is prioritized over the people working within it, and the power of the employees can usually only be described by a single word — insignificant. Worst of all, we do not even realize that we are living in such a society. So, what exactly is the best way to create a more harmonious society using Web 3.0?

How can HDAO drive the right development of Web 3.0?
When we see an organization as a machine, it is often easy to forget about the individual. We ignore the creative ability of each individual or even disbelieve in their ability to make autonomous decisions. To control these workers, organizations tend to create more and more stringent standard operating procedures. HDAO, as one of the first few decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) that adopted DAO governance, is a blockchain-driven venture capital fund that is independent; it is controlled by all community members, with each of them having an equal say.

HDAO does not belong to any particular country or central bank. The decentralized nature of HDAO allows all community users to participate in its governance and exercise their own creative power. There is no traditional bureaucracy or hierarchical restrictions. HDAO empowers community members to vote and allows investors to automatically send, receive and store value anonymously on a global scale.

For years, automated systems have been seen as a way to reduce human issues, such as dealing with lengthy and cumbersome traditional bureaucratic systems. HDAO is designed to help solve such problems and encourage people to focus on being more productive. HDAO’s automated systems do not require traditional vertical management methods, which are more susceptible to failure, human error and manipulation.

HDAO’s management model develops better organization and a more efficient way of building strong communities. When we combine all of these together, we can evolve communication styles and improve work experiences. If we can put these into practice, we can build more efficient and tightly-knitted communities that can drive the future of Web 3.0!

To celebrate our community members, HDAO has decided to hold a December giveaway. All you need to do is follow our Twitter account and retweet the event to enter the festive giveaway for a chance to win 10,000 HDAO tokens!


Written by HyperDAO

The Leading Decentralized Charity Platform governed by #DAO

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